Aviso legalAdmin2024-07-01T08:35:08+02:00
This website is owned by INDA Iniciativas, S. L., , tax ID B-70398078, a company registered in the Companies Register of A Coruña, domiciled at Vilaverde 25, 15189, Culleredo, A Coruña (Galicia, Spain), which provides services in the area of consultancy, management and execution of aid and grants, training courses, and organisation of activities. The mere use of this website by any user implies full acceptance of all the conditions set out in this legal notice. If, for any reason, the user does not agree with these terms, they must leave the website without using any of its content. Similarly, the user undertakes to abide by current legislation. In particular, the provisions of law 34/2002 of 11 July, on information society and electronic commerce services. This website is an information website aimed at businesses. It can be visited by anyone without limitation, except if forbidden by the laws and rules they are subject to, which may be modified without prior notice, provided they are recorded in this text or the text that replaces it as a result of the change. The owner of the website may prevent physical or legal persons from accessing this website if they do not comply with this legal notice, without having to provide any kind of explanation. Any behaviour of the user which indicates they do not accept the terms of this document or which violates the law will be sufficient cause to refuse them access to this website. In no event shall the owner of the website be responsible for the content of other websites which can be accessed from links on this website, nor damages or losses which the user may suffer if they follow such links.