AGROSMARTglobal Project
INDA Iniciativas is managing this project for AGACA (Galician Association of Agrarian Cooperatives) within the programme Interreg SUDOE 2014-2020, with a total budget of 1,598,000 euros.
The AGROSMARTglobal project is carried out between October 2019 and September 2022. It covers 10 regions of the SUDOE, looking to alleviate the disadvantages of rural areas, as well as encourage development and economic cohesion by generating skills and searching for more efficient and effective transnational solutions that can support agricultural cooperatives in their specific needs and improve their competitiveness by creating and consolidating networks and services to support internationalisation. Its main purpose is to consolidate space for interconnection, interaction, and competitiveness of the agricultural cooperatives of the SUDOE through the development of advanced support processes, tools, and services that enable smart international positioning, promotion, and expansion through digital marketing strategies that encourage cooperation between companies. An international consortium made up by 10 beneficiaries is responsible for the project.
The specific objectives of this project are:
- Support the digital internationalization of the Soutwest-European agri-food cooperatives, taking benefit of the advantages offered by new technologies and the evaluation of electronic commerce at an international level.
- Promote the positioning of the agri-food products of the Southwest-European cooperatives in the international market, relying on their endogenous nature and quality and protecting products under Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) labels, as well as organic products on the Internet.
- Strengthen the association of the Soutwest-European cooperative tissue and the creation of alliances with professionals in the destination market in order to facilitate international promotion and expansion via inter-company cooperation and networking.
The project products will mainly benefit the agri-food cooperatives of the SUDOE space and will consist of:
- Joint Strategic Plan for the digital internationalization of small and medium agricultural cooperatives in the SUDOE territory
- Technical consultancy for digital internationalization
- Proyectos piloto de internacionalización digital;
- Joint education and training program in digital internationalization
- Joint campaign for the promotion and international positioning of the products of agri-food cooperatives
O principal aspecto innovador do proxecto está en facer uso de Internet para exportar, a comercialización intelixente. O proxecto introduce a internacionalización dixital das cooperativas do espazo SUDOE; é o primeiro proxecto que tratará de apoiar o perfeccionamento das condicións de internacionalización e posicionamento dos seus produtos a través do uso das novas tecnoloxías, así como abordar a internacionalización desde a cooperación, como recurso clave para poñer en marcha mecanismos e servizos avanzados de apoio, e estratexias de comercialización internacional intelixente orientadas a mercados como China e EE. UU.
INDA Iniciativas is responsible for the processing, financial and technical management, and support in communication (image design, communication plan, etc.) of the project.