Incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility And Employees Welfare Culture In The European Labor Market


KA210-VET – Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training

Project total grant: 60.000 €

General Objective

Change4Good aims at empowering SMEs business owners and managers to become promoters of a new business paradigm which harmonize the economic objectives with employees welfare and the social and environmental objectives of their territory with the aim of preserving the environmental, social and human heritage for current and future generations and improve the wellbeing of their employees.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the project are:

  • to raise public interest and awareness on the multiple ways in which businesses can, through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and employee welfare measures, improve not only the well-being of their employees and communities but also favour social inclusion, preserve the environment while meeting their economic objectives, attract and retain talent, increase their business resilience to crisis and improve corporate image;
  • to strengthen the skills of SMEs managers and owners in developing tailored and successful CSR and employee welfare strategies for their businesses through the design and implementation of an informal and flexible training programme.


The main activities implemented by the project are:

  1. awareness raising campaign to increase the understanding of the importance of shifting towards a business paradigm based on CSR and employees welfare;
  2. re-training and up-skilling SMEs and Social Economy managers to address the needs of employees through the implementation of welfare plans;
  3. dissemination and exploitation of the projects’ results in order to increase public awareness on the importance of adapting business culture and practices to the changing needs of society.


  • Limeup issc (Italia)
  • INDA Iniciativas SL (España)
  • WIN Consultants Ltd (Irlanda)